Signs of the presence of earthworms

To determine if a person has worms, all the more early special are necessary for the analyses that can show the overall clinical picture.

In the case where obvious signs have already begun to manifest, you can be absolutely certain that helminths have already had time to propagate into the body of the man.

how to understand that worms in the body

This is explained by the fact that the larva of the worm is not developed and is in the standby mode, and here are the adult worm has all the "benefits" of the inner world of man. This is why, at a time when the parasite has had time to develop and symptoms to appear.

The first and often unexpected signs of the presence of earthworms – headaches and bouts of allergies. The two symptoms repeat with an enviable regularity, and do not disappear after a long-term therapy.

The doctors are not always associate the pain and allergic reactions with parasites and because after a certain time, and the absence of positive results in the treatment of begin to search for the true cause of the disease.

In such cases, are assigned to laboratory tests – analyses. In order to get rid of the serious problems of the magnitude of the penalty to keep an eye on his state of health, and to take into account the indirect signs, stating that the body is "tuned" to earth.

How to understand that in the adult have been set in motion to

At an early stage, the first signs of helminths occur in most of the cases, in the same way. Reveal the presence of worms in the body of an adult man can be at the the "totality" of symptoms:

  • Cough – long time and it doesn't, even when the therapy of drug-expectorant medicines and antibiotic;
  • Skin rash of allergic nature. These include eczema, hpv, acne, hives, boils;
  • The common cold and pneumonia. These diseases of the upper respiratory tract can also indicate the presence of worms;
  • Due to the fact that the worms sometimes form in the intestine of man, the impressive size of the congestion in the form of clots, it may be permanent constipation;
  • Because they prevent the bile, and the juice to stand out in the body, then the person may experience diarrhea, accompanied by a sensation of bloating of the abdomen;
  • These creatures live on account of the vitality of the man, and because the second necessarily a decrease of immunity, which in turn leads to frequent illnesses, colds of the nature;
  • Insomnia, exposure to stress, grinding of teeth during sleep – this is the result of dysfunctions of the nervous system;
  • A tendency to depression is a result of the fact that in the blood of the person are the waste of the parasites causing a poisoning of the body;
  • Pain in the joints.

It is important! For a proper diagnosis is fairly met all three of these symptoms together, in order to recognize the presence of the infestation in the body of an adult man.

How to understand if there is a worm infestation of the child

intestinal worms in children

Due to the fact that the small child is not always openly speaks of her ailments, or simply can't talk yet, to diagnose in children helminthiasis is quite difficult. But watchful for the parents, nothing is impossible, and because reveal the infection feasible task. Infection by parasites is defined as the following symptoms:

  • Salivation. It is particularly evident during sleep and in the morning of the period;
  • Too active or too once slowed, and drowsiness of the child;
  • In the plan, gourmet preferred to become sweets;
  • The child slicker anus. Most notably is the morning and evening.
  • The baby flaking on the eyelids and very nail break;
  • Children infected by worms, often suffer from colds, the flu, SARS, etc;
  • The appearance of a history of diagnosis of anemia. Anemia is a decrease in the hemoglobin and the reduction in content of red blood cells in the blood.

The sign of the presence of helminthes in children is to disrupt the functioning of his nervous system. It is very irritable for nothing, manifest aggression, crying often. For such a result, you can say "thank you" to the parasite, the actively developing countries in the body of the child by the products of its activity.

It is important! If the child has such a disease, such as difillobotrioz, or ascariasis, the absence of treatment leads to the level produced by parasites, toxins, reaches a higher level.

He in turn becomes the cause of dizziness and headaches, so that toxins enter the brain freely moving in the blood.

The reasons for which earthworms and impact on the health of the man

The first alarm bell during the invasion – a disorder of the part of the GASTROINTESTINAL. Because helminths are organisms inside the man, then the reaction in a negative consequence. The major part of the parasite installs itself directly in the intestine and delivers it to the inside of the eggs, so the influence of the wall of the intestine. In addition to the intestine the eggs may vary in other vital of the body – the heart, the lungs and the brain.

If there are signs of the appearance of earthworms in a format to disrupt the functioning of the GASTRO-intestinal tract, most of these violations will lead to the logic of the final, vomiting, and nausea.

This can be explained by the fact that they are "aliens" inside of us and the body manifests as a reaction to the products of their life as the toxin. Toxins are the primary provocateurs of the poisoning. And poisoning accompanied by vomiting and nausea. This is the response, where the circle closes.

The diarrhea of the helminth infection is referred to some species of earthworms, that secretes the hormone, thereby impeding the process of aspiration of the liquid to the intestine. Often, at the onset of the pathologies in the work of the GASTRO-doctors first diagnosis, is the poisoning and send the patient to the treatment in one direction.

In fact, this is not poisoning in the full meaning of this diagnosis, and the treatment will be completely ineffective for the solution of the problem.

If a person with a disorder of the stomach, everything is clear, this is not at all jibe in the head of a link between joint pain and muscle pain and to.

This parasite settles in the muscle tissue, putting it in a sort of capsule, in which it can exist without food and the movement for a very long time. As soon as the conditions for reproduction become favourable to the intruders, "the guest" starts to lay eggs. The usual treatment of medication, aimed at the removal of the inflammation and the pain does not have the desired effect.

the signs of worms in the body

Why during infection by worms of the earth keeps the temperature

When the presence of worms in the adult and in the child has fever — 37,0 – 37,5°C. This temperature is called low-grade and is often related to the contamination of helminth infections. The presence of such a temperature can be explained by the following factors:

  • The poisoning of the body of the toxins that thrown into the circulatory system of the man and distributed by it;
  • The presence of anemia, low hemoglobin;
  • A dysfunction of the internal organs;
  • Allergic reactions available in the blood of toxins;
  • The poor functioning of the brain, especially the snoring and the grinding of teeth during sleep.

The adult and the baby also react on the "neighborhood" with the parasites. This worm secretes into the blood an enormous amount of toxin that could have a negative impact on the work of the kidneys and liver. Because of this in the human body accumulate "excess" of the substance.

As the immune system is always worthwhile to guard on the health, on all the emissions of the toxin, it reacts to the production of antibodies. But working around the clock cannot person and the immunity has not been an exception. This is why, with time, these antibodies begin to attack not only on "outsiders," but on the native tissue. This is the case of a scheme of development of pathologies such as allergies and arthritis.

What are the allergic reactions are considered to be symptoms of the presence of earthworms

The contamination of the helminth infections, the origin of the allergy, which in turn can manifest itself in different forms. In general, allergic reactions are divided into two types – local and general. The local reaction are skin rash, and cough. The common reactions include characteristics such as brittle nails, weak hair, asthma and constant runny nose.

In addition, the external manifestations of allergic reactions should alert them and get them to think about their health. These manifestations of the infection should be:

  • The appearance of the dermatitis in the mouth area and around it;
  • Acne and acne;
  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Psoriasis;
  • The buttons of fever.

It is important! Because of this immunity in the adult and child is weakened in the period of the infection and the body becomes a target of choice for diseases such as canker sores, sinusitis, vulvo-vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis.

Can you determine who is stuck inside of You

The symptoms of the infection by worms of the earth specific to each of these worm. In order to determine the presence of certain symptoms, it is necessary to read the few species of earthworms. Today, there are about 100 species of parasites, which are located in the intestine of man. It is because of them start to develop a GASTROINTESTINAL pathology. The most well-known "parasites":

  • Ancylostoma;
  • Whipworm;
  • Dwarfish tsepen;
  • Lung gills;
  • The larva of pork tapeworm – in cycticerque;
  • Pinworms;
  • Broad tapeworm;
  • Echinococcus.

The most easy to detect the presence in the body of pinworms, because they have the property of self-selected outside through the anus.

These "attacks" are necessary for the egg laying on the skin mezhyagodichnoy area. Each of the species of earthworms, and asserts its presence in the body of the man dysbiosis.

the symptoms of worms

During the infection of humans by parasites of the pathology observed in light work, accompanied by a fever. In addition to the temperature, a cough, which differs the expectoration is yellowish with blood clots. It is in this spit, you can find of the larvae of ascaris.

Muscle pain, swelling of the face (especially the eyelids) and the increase of the temperature signal on the development of the trichinosis.

A small test on the definition of infection to

To determine the appearance of the "neighbors" in the body need to do a little test, able to give an answer to the exciting question. You must answer "yes" or "no" to the questions below:

  1. It seems to itch in the area of the anal passage (especially in the morning and in the evening)?
  2. Happens vomiting and nausea for no apparent reason?
  3. How a good night's sleep the night – suffers-You insomnia?
  4. Do you notice an increase of lymph nodes?
  5. Skin rashes and irritation of the skin – a frequent phenomenon?
  6. Do you feel that the stomach as if swollen?
  7. If you feel a bitter taste in the mouth?
  8. Do you feel a pain, discomfort, or pain sensations in the muscles and joints?

If on 7 of the 8 questions has been given a positive response, then you can be sure that the contamination of helminth infections has happened. He had to fight and not to let the disease take its course.

It is important! Using a person – this is the first step to healing. If you want to make a treatment of traditional medicine are well worth the effort, first consult your doctor.

A person exposed to infection by the parasite, particularly

Not a secret that personal hygiene and attention to this question is directly related to the helminth infections. But sometimes, even the observance of all the rules can't protect the person from infections.

In the first group of risk are people in close contact with the animals:

  • Veterinary;
  • Blockers;
  • Workers of zoos;
  • The owners of pet animals;
  • The people who work in agriculture.

The following items in the list of candidates to the infection – health workers, as well as those working in the kindergarten or at school. The workers of the catering (canteens, restaurants, cafes, etc) is also the risk of catching "neighbors".

Well, and the most numerous group, the children in the preschool and the children, the students of the primary school. Used to shoot in the mouth objects, not washing hands before eating, and sometimes even food before eating – the most common cause of the infection.

It is important! Here is a very important parental control and the careful observation of her child, that the child does not always speak of sensations to be uncomfortable.

Sometimes this happens by force of fear, sometimes by force of the lack of knowledge that one does not have to be.

As a parasite penetrates the interior

The body of an adult man, being in good health is capable of defending against intruders. On the way to the coveted to the intestine, the parasite undergoes a number of tests:

infection by parasites
  • The barrier of protection starts in the mouth. Inside of it is produced by a special enzyme, that don't particularly like the "taste" of worms;
  • The acidity inside of the stomach – the second obstacle to worms of earth;
  • The immunity directly to the inside of the intestine – the third barrier to the inside of the man.

More often than usual infestation by the worm takes its origin in the larvae of the worm, who wait for their time in the natural environment – the water and the earth. The larvae of ascaris, the whipworm, pinworm, flounder, etc – are found in the body through consuming vegetables, fruits, vegetables, or infected, a water non-treated water.

But to enter into a contract, you can not only the sale of food, but also by contact with an infected person, pet. People who eat badly salty caviar and underdone fish is worth being on the alert, because with these "goodies" in the body installed flukes and tapeworm wide.

Not long enough for thermal processing of pork, beef and sheep meat opens the door to such harmful organisms that the pig and the wave of tsepen.

Pinworms and dwarfish tsepen is capable of is appliances in the event of non-observance of rules of personal hygiene.

If the organism is weakened, and then three of these measures of protection barriers cease to function, is by offering "parasites" opportunity "to flourish and feel". It is for this reason, it is so important to take care of oneself and one's body, to conduct interventions for the prevention against intestinal worms and strengthen the immunity of all the means available.

And don't forget that follow, not only for immunity but also for the well-being of their loved ones, so that contamination of food can occur at the time of Your hand, and in the opposite direction.